Comprehensive Coverage

Cover yourself, your family, your employees and your trip, all under one roof!

Flexible Plans

Our various packages can be customized in a number of ways to  better suit you.

Excellent Service

Our knowledgeable and experienced agents will help you make the right decisions!

Health and Travel Insurance with Global Reach!

Happy Day

Dicembre 1995

Day to Remember

May 1934

Old City

April 1995

Just Jungle

Octobre 2014

On The Lake

November 1983

Valentine Day

February 2009

A Man Fishing

March 2005

Crazy Flight

July 2006

Health & Travel Insurance has a partner that carries a wide range of international health and travel insurance products to fit almost any travel situation and international living styles. If you are a local national outside of the USA, our partner may provide you also with excellent health insurance cover that may be used in your home country /outside your home country or when traveling.

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Introducing an insurance company with security ratings of:
A+ (superior) by A.M.Best and AA- by Standard and Poor's
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